Enjoy Your Work More With This One Simple Tip

It's the thing most adults can't escape...having to "work". And, their experience with it for the most part ranges from barely endurable to potentially enjoyable.

In my new release The Real You @Work (available on Amazon, but since you're a subscriber you get a complimentary copy in our Distinct Leader Library), I discuss the one thing that could make all the difference in going from endurable to more enjoyable. And what is that one thing? Pay closer attention. 

Hang with me here as I explain...

In working with so many folks this year whether, through in-person workshops, global virtual events, or individual coaching, a common theme emerges - we are very busy - and therefore can easily lose sight of the moments.  Those moments are our "work gems" because they hold the secret to more enjoyment. Moments help us see what's happening in real time.

To experience more fulfillment... even dare I say - be happier in our work - we need to be able to see in each moment as we do our work what is providing us the most satisfaction.

Tip: Be in the moment and pay attention.

And even beyond satisfaction, tuning into and paying attention to what you do in your day-to-day activities can also reveal what gives you meaning and energy. Typically when something gives you energy - is naturally energizing - you tend to enjoy it.

I reference in my latest release (and have planning exercises around it) that one essential element of effective career planning is being able to identify job functions or job activities (some call them skills) that give a sense of pleasure when you are executing them. Many people have gone the way of the Rolling Stones in their work life... "I can't get no satisfaction."

If this is true 2 conditions might be present:

  1. Their job functions really don't match the activities they genuinely like doing - that are, in fact, not satisfying.
  2. Or, they are not tuned in to and paying attention enough to notice. They've gone on autopilot. Their heart and spirit are no longer connected to what they are doing.

No matter your situation, I invite you to be clear on what aspects of your work give you satisfaction, meaning, and energy. Knowing this is critical to better job choices and long-term career satisfaction.

The link below will take you to a free copy of my book The Real You @Work, which is also a workbook. Start now! In previous posts I mentioned having a career portfolio. These exercises, and others in the book, help you jumpstart this today.

Want the 8.5 x 11 book instead? Get it on Amazon.