The Team Power Couple: Values & Agreement

In every high-performing team, there lies a balance between the guiding principles that define its ethos and the concrete behaviors that bring these principles to life. While team values provide the “why” — the fundamental beliefs that shape a team’s identity and drive its purpose — team agreements offer the “how,” translating those values into actionable commitments that govern day-to-day interactions.

In this week’s e-coach, we dive into the distinction between these two crucial elements. Understanding this dynamic not only helps in setting the foundation for a successful team but also in navigating the path toward a more harmonious and productive work environment.

Team Agreements vs. Team Values

While team agreements and team values both play crucial roles in shaping a team's culture, they serve different purposes:

  • Team Values: These are the core principles and beliefs that guide a team's overall purpose and direction. Values are often more abstract and reflect the team's ethos, such as integrity, innovation, and collaboration. They are the underlying ideals that inspire and motivate the team.
  • Team Agreements: These are specific, actionable commitments that team members make to one another. They translate the broader values into concrete behaviors and practices. For example, if a team values collaboration, a corresponding team agreement might be to hold regular brainstorming sessions where all voices are heard.

What Are Team Agreements?

Team agreements are collaboratively created guidelines that outline the behaviors, practices, and norms that team members commit to following. These agreements serve as a foundation for how the team operates, communicates, and collaborates. They are often established during the early stages of team formation but can be revisited and revised as the team evolves. Team agreements can cover various aspects, such as meeting protocols, decision-making processes, conflict resolution, and communication methods.

The Benefits and Value of Team Agreements

  1. Clarity and Alignment: Team agreements provide clear expectations for all team members, ensuring everyone is on the same page regarding acceptable behavior and work practices. This clarity helps prevent misunderstandings and conflicts.
  2. Improved Communication: By defining how the team will communicate, team agreements promote open, honest, and respectful dialogue. This can lead to more effective collaboration and problem-solving.
  3. Enhanced Trust and Accountability: When team members collectively agree on norms and behaviors, they are more likely to hold themselves and each other accountable. This fosters a culture of trust, where individuals feel confident that their colleagues will adhere to the agreed-upon guidelines.
  4. Increased Efficiency: Clear agreements on processes and practices can streamline workflows and reduce the time spent on resolving conflicts or clarifying expectations. This efficiency allows the team to focus more on achieving their goals.
  5. Adaptability: Team agreements are not set in stone; they can be adjusted as the team grows and circumstances change. This flexibility ensures that the team remains responsive and adaptable to new challenges.

In summary, team agreements are practical tools that operationalize a team's values, turning abstract principles into tangible actions. By establishing and adhering to these agreements, teams can create a cohesive, productive, and harmonious work environment.